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Highnote app icon graphic

Nurse You.

nourish and nurture

Care for your well-being and realize your full potential with mentorship support.

A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

Wired for connection.

Establish meaningful relationships to support your growth and development.

"We are hardwired to connect with others. It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it
there is suffering."
- Brené Brown
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

How it works

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Start your mentorship journey by sharing your preferences and matching with an aligned mentor or mentee
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Build with weekly check-ins that provide structure, guidance, and flexibility with your time and schedule
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Reflect on your growth with earned GRIT points and badges
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

Learning the hard way is for the birds.

Don't solve problems alone when you can have a trusted resource offering you emotional support and guidance.

How it works

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Access Highnote 24/7 through a convenient, mobile application
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Connect in the format that fits the moment using video, voice, or text
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Chat with HiGnome AI for answers,  reference materials, or tips based on your team’s wisdom

Reach farther.
Get further.

Improve your professional development opportunities and extend your network.

"Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action."
- Peter Senge
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

How it works

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Lean on a community of experts for unique perspectives
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Share successes or learnings in real-time
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Stay current with your hospital's evidence and protocols

Attitude of gratitude.

Real-time recognition and gratitude bring joy to work.

How it works

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Acknowledge groups or individuals
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Share ongoing positive feedback
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Earn GRIT points for giving and receiving gratitude
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

It pays to pay it forward.

Your contributions as a mentor to others will also help you develop leadership skills and build meaningful relationships.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
- Oprah Winfrey
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app

How it works

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Share your wisdom and expertise with your mentee
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Lean on lessons learned earlier in your career
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Grow your grit and resilience
A hand holding a phoneScreenshot of the Highnote app
Coming Soon

Highnote Pro.

Tap into a diverse mentorship network beyond your hospital or health system.

How it works

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Peer support and mentorship from a broader community
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Secure and limited to verified healthcare professionals
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Easy navigation between your hospital's private workspace and the broader Highnote Pro network
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Highnote app icon graphic